Celebrity Wine

by Dan Ciccone
(Belmont, North Carolina)

After a few years of the traditional wine tasting parties and themes, I decided to go with a Celebrity Wine theme. The brands and bottle names were Marilyn, Coppola, Greg Norman, Buffett, Norma Jean, etc. I served them blind to my friends without letting them know what the theme was and made them guess! It was a big success and I got a kick by fooling my friends who never caught on until the end.

If you want a French option, you could also try one of Gérard Depardieu's wines!

Dan, Belmont NC

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Nov 01, 2008
Fun idea!
by: Anonymous

Sounds like a fun idea. Doesn't necessarily mean you'll have the most interesting wines although Coppola does make some nice ones up there in Napa.

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